NYC Transit Police

My Dad, My Brother in Blue

“…a bond that will never be broken nor a journey forgotten.”

After my dad died in 1979 I’d think of him often. But it was always as my dad.

Not recently.

Now as I look through some documents and photos from his life on this planet, now as I’ve long passed the age he was when he died, I think of him also as a Brother.

 Lee's Dad-1.jpg

Patrolman LeRoy A Winters Sr

My dad and I both made it to our seventies, we both were NYC Transit cops. He, for much longer than I, thirty-five years, 1931-1965, and me, a mere twenty-six 1966-1992.

I have come upon a trove of memorabilia, items being cleared from a house in which I used to live, items that were his from the steel dust days of early subway policing.

My dad was born in 1904. His dad, a trolley operator, died in 1917 when my dad was 13. I don’t know how his dad died, never asked him, nor did I ask much else of his early life.

It might be good for readers to consider asking for details about family, now…when they can be answered. Maybe this Thanksgiving as the extended family gathers, ask parents what their first job was, what their school was like, their first date. What did their parents do for a living? All the questions you might regret not asking later…when it is too late.

As was not unusual in the early 20th-century my dad left school at the age of 15 to help support his now widowed mom. One of my dad’s early jobs was repair of typewriters, he was 16 when this photo was taken of him in a typewriter repair shop in 1920:

Dad w typewriters 16 years old 1921.jpg

My dad, LeRoy Winters, 16, right. his boss, Mr. Schafer seated on left

My dad’s pre subway employment history:


My dad’s first job in the subway was as a Trainman in 1930. Trainman, a title long since eliminated, was among the lowest paid in the NYC Dept of Transportation.

As a Trainman, he’d fill in for absent conductors who called in sick etc. “Winters, take the 9:02 out,” he’d be told, and off he’d go on a trip to Coney Island. But he only got paid for the actual road time. When he got off at Coney, he was off the time clock too. Then he’d wait for his next “gig”…if there was one.

He saw the BMT police as more reliable employment. BMT, (Brooklyn Manhattan Transit) a private operator, hired their own police. He told me that his coworkers thought he was crazy because Patrolmen made less per hour than Trainmen. But he knew they also got steady pay each 60 hour week. So off he went to patrol the NYC subways.

He began working as a Transit cop as a BMT Patrolman in 1931 later becoming a Special Officer with powers of arrest. He applied for entry in the NYPD, but he never left Mother Transit. His questionnaire for the NYPD position:

Dad's NYPD questionaire.jpg

The top of my dad’s NYPD questionnaire

Re: the plainclothes squad referred to in the above questionnaire, my dad was issued these permits by the NYPD authorizing plainclothes:

Specail Ptl Plainclothse permit.jpg

This manual from that era is in pristine condition. It was covered in brown paper exactly in the manner that I recall my mom insisted we St. Clement’s school students cover our textbooks. Actually, my mom might have covered this manual for my dad. I’ve never seen tape the likes of which was used on this book, but the tape did hold for over eight decades.

Manual open IMG_2383.jpg

Some addenda (Brooklyn Post designations) were added to the back of the manual, the rings had been opened and hole-punched pages added. A strange feeling came over me when I realized, in opening these binder rings, that the rings were closed by my dad’s fingers some eighty or so years ago. Fingers that held up the bike that he taught me to ride, fingers that also grasped steel handcuffs much the same as did mine.

I opened the manual to display for you some details of early Transit Police information, among them this list of the original Transit Police District offices. My dad, Patrolman, LeRoy Winters, shield 698 worked for most of his career at Dist. 6, Bway East New York Station, Brooklyn.

Dist offices DSC_3099.jpg

Emlem of Command, T DSC_3101.jpg

The original Transit Police emblem of Command:

T through the wringer .jpg

Early Transit Police T emblem. Photo courtesy of Mike Fanning

My dad’s BMT collar brass of the times:

BMT on Collar  copy.jpg

Misc. Equipment from Transit System Police Dept. Manual of Instructions lists a billet, often referred to as billy club, or day billy by Transit Officers:

Batons DSC_3104.jpg

My dad’s old style wooden billet engraved with his shield number:

Dad's billet DSC_2936.jpg

My dad’s billet, or day billy. Night batons or nightsticks were to be carried from 4;00 pm to 8:00 am. Later billets were made of black, hardened rubber.

The “new” style black rubber billet replaced the wooden model:

Black rubber billy DSC_3097

My dad also had a pair of nippers or come-alongs. They have long since been discontinued as official equipment as they were found to damage ligaments in the wrist of subjects exposed to them.


A type of nippers or come-along carried by my dad

My father had a police whistle from an equipment era long gone. Transit Cops back then had no radios to summon assistance. They too often relied on Railroad Clerks in their booths to phone for help when needed. The whistle was an option but the stick sound was universal.

It was routine for subway cops to pound their wooden nightsticks on the concrete platforms to call for help from another cop on the station…if there was another cop on the station. Perhaps a token booth clerk would call if he heard it too. I carried his ancient whistle and his pocket knife on my own gun belt below:

Dad's whistle blk vig IMG_2385.jpg

My dad’s ancient police whistle that I carried on my own now-retired gunbelt

That primitive stick-pounding call for help was still in place when I came on the job in 1966. In the later sixties, radios were introduced but they were not reliable. Radios weren’t 100% reliable when I retired in 1992.

My dad had this 1937 IND map among his possessions, note the upper right sector designation for the upcoming 1939 Worlds Fair site:

IND subway map 1937.jpg

1940 New Sixth Ave line opens:

New 6th Ave Subway opens.jpg

Early Transit Special Officers were required to take readings from high Turnstiles on their posts:

High turnstile report DSC_3105.jpg

In 1940 the first “merge” or unification as it was then known took place. The BMT and BQT merged with City-owned IND: Letter of merge sent to my dad:

Board of Transp ltr unification pg 1 1.jpg


Board of Transp ltr unification pg 2.jpg


Grandpa Sgt. with his men.jpg

My dad, Sgt Winters, left-center- and his men. Location and date unknown

A list of New men from his personal notebook, date unknown. Many of these “new men” rose through the ranks, some I knew, some I worked with.

new men.jpg

One of the men my dad and I worked with, Tom Leonbruno, second on the list, was a Marine at Iwo Jima. Tom and I were also members of the same American Legion post in West Islip. There, Tom told me stories of how my dad broke him on his Transit Police career.

Dad Sgt on el platform.jpg

Sgt. Winters on unidentified el Station, no doubt in Brooklyn

Leonbruno told me how he was embarrassed when he was a new rookie and my dad noticed Tom had no shield on his shirt while on patrol. He had gone back to his locker after roll call, took the blouse off then left it and his shield in the locker. I was amazed at how clearly Tom remembered those days and my dad, some thirty years prior.

A 1942 memo about suspicious men on an L train:

Two unid susp men on L line 1942.jpg

A 1942  complaint memo about men’s toilet surveillance. I redacted the name to avoid embarrassment to descendants of the subject officer:

Sp Ptl xxxx complaint.jpg

This report involved the same Sp. Officer, different issue:

Sp Ptl xxxxxand Collection issue.jpg

1943 W2:


Today, of course, most of the officers who worked with my dad are long gone. But recently, retiree, Walter Hulse told me in that in 1965 he worked with my dad in my dad’s pre-retirement assignment, Statistics, and Analysis, (S&A). The photo below is from the late fifties or early sixties:

Dad at his S&A job-1.jpg

Ptl Winters at his S&A desk “Googles” through his Rolodex while he awaits a Bell Rotary phone 2.0 coiled-wire update.

My dad’s initial pre-retirement notes used to determine the best retirement Option.

retirement notes 61$ wk.jpg

The NYC Transit Police were born basically as a security service of privately run NYC Rail companies. They were officers who were required to take “high turnstile readings.” They were officers required to make revenue escorts with Railroad Clerks. They struggled through many decades of being seen as “not real cops,” not NYPD.

However, they had to do real-cop work while moving from Specials to Peace Officers to Police Officers. But it was work that required patrolling alone in dangerous subterranean warrens of platforms, stairways, underground passageways, tunnels, and tracks. Patrolling without effective communication for help or back up. Patrols that sometimes required crawling under trains near electrified third rails to save a passenger maimed by steel wheels. Patrols that resulted in very serious injury such as an officer’s skull fragments being driven into his brain by his own nightstick…or death, by bullets fired through officers’ heads or hearts.

Transit Police union staff worked hard and long to obtain and maintain, parity in pay and prestige. And through performance and dedication the Transit Police, under Chief Bill Bratton in 1992, became one of only two accredited Police Departments in the state of New York, the second, Suffolk County PD. At that time there were only 175 law enforcement agencies in America to have that distinction.

The Detectives of the Warrant Squad of the fully accredited NYC Transit Police, with Chief, Bill Bratton:

Warrants Lee-Warrant Sqd prom to Det. w-Chief Bratton flip jpg.jpg

The NYC Transit Police Warrant Squad: From left, Det. Mike Reyes, Det. Emilio Velez, Det. George Vought, Det. John Caruso, Chief Bratton, Det. Lee Winters (gazing off), Det Ruel Rhymer, Det. Howie Raye, Det. Vinnie Romeo, Det. Lucas Woods, Lt. Chet Levey

Testemonial dinner Dad at 11 oclock table right of table 75 DSC_3004.jpg

A 1962 gathering of Transit Police Fraternal organizations

Testemonial dinner crop Dad at 12 oclock DSC_3004.jpg

My dad, 1962, top-center, Patrolman, LeRoy A. Winters

In 1995 the NYC Transit Police merged with NYPD and today the Transit Police are the Transit Bureau of NYPD. But the men and women who served patrolling the subways pre-merge, and even post-merge, consider themselves to be of a Special Brotherhood, a bond that will never be broken nor a journey forgotten.

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My dad, 1943 Bway, ENY and me, 1991 Transit Police Warrant Squad

This post’s publishing date, Nov. 13, happens to be my dad’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Dad, I love you and I salute you.

Be well,

shedding a little light wherethesundontshine
See my sunnyside blog Leebythesea:




15 replies »

  1. Lee this is just great! brings back memories. Quite a few of the guys on your dads list of names were on the job when I first entered in 1965. Interesting Joe Salidino who was one of my predecessors as PBA President was on it. As were a few guys that went on to become Chiefs.


    • Yes, Bill, I too recognize several of the names on the list of “new men.” Of course many of remember Joe Saladino and his winning the removal of TA’s on our collars, to be replaced with TPs. Thanks for the feedback, Bill. Glad you liked it. Many others are very appreciative of it too. Facebook Friends especially. Nice hearing from you.
      Be well,


  2. Lee, I enjoyed your trip through Transit Police history. I myself started as a Police Trainee in 1969, and retired in 1991 from Dist. #1. The story brought back some good memories and information I was unaware of. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.


    • Thank you, Bob. Glad you got so much out of it and that the names on the list still ring bells. I enjoyed putting the post together. It brought my dad closer to me even though he’s gone. But when we remember someone, they are never really gone. Thanks again.
      Be well,


  3. I was appointed in 1955 and probably worked with your father some time. My shield as a patrolman was #688. Great memorabilia. I may have trained you in the T.P. Academy or on the job. Best of luck. Ret. D/I John Ferrante


    • Hi John,

      You might well have worked with my dad. As I recall he worked in S&A the last eight years on the job. He had a heart attack and was on light duty all those years, we didn’t have the Heart Bill then. Prior to that he worked in Dist 6 Bway ENY, the office was off the catwalk in the tunnel. Before I came on the job I used to pick up his check for him at that location.

      Sure I remember you from Transit Police Academy in the Armory, Jamaica Queens, Feb 1966. I’m very rusty on the other instructors now, Manning? And someone whose name began with a G, deep gravelly voiced. It’s been over 50 years.
      Glad you enjoyed the memorabilia.

      Be well,


    • John Ferrante , My Father John Quinn went on Transit from Housing in 1955, maybe in your class, He retired as a Lieutenant in 1975.


  4. Lee, I couldn’t stop reading it. Great memories. Was there ever a nicer or more humble cop than Tommy Leonbruno?. Reading the comments and coming on the job in 1964 – Sgt John Ferrante was one of our first Sgts in Dist 7. I still remember how he made the booth holdup arrest. You inspired great memories. Thank you..


    • Hi Art. Yes, I’m sure my post brought great memories as you say to many. Tommy Leonbruno was a gentleman, a good man. It’s nice hearing from older timers too. Glad you liked the post. I enjoyed putting it together.
      Be well,


  5. Hello,

    I was wondering if someone can help me finding more information about the ranking of the NYC Transit Police Department. A digital copy of the NYCTP manual could be of help.

    I was informed that in the year 1982 there was :
    4-star CHIEF
    3-star DEPUTY CHIEF

    I’m sure that ranking changed during time. So if someone can help me with the ranking previous to 1982 en between 1982 and 1995.

    Thank you very much.

    I wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new year.



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